Gearing Up for the Future

The Spina Bifida Association national conference was a wonderful experience. The most powerful aspect of the entire 5-day event had to be the amazing opportunity to spend time with such a great group of people–see old friends, meet new ones. The talk I gave on Sunday morning, July 1, was fun–the people who came were fantastic folks.

The main reason I wrote The Able Life of Cody Jane: Still Celebrating was to make a book that Cody would have wanted to read, about an ordinary person in some extraordinary circumstances–something that might be helpful to other people like Cody, as well as their parents. As a result, I have had the added pleasure of meeting and enjoying the friendships of a growing number of spectacular “ordinary” people.

An extra benefit has been to hear from clinicians and educators who found the book helpful and inspiring in their work with children and adults with disabilities. A nurse I met at the conference who works with small children in a spina bifida clinic told me, “Your book changed my life and my work. I used to see kids with spina bifida–now, I just see kids.” (That felt pretty good.)

My thanks to every person who attended the conference. Happy Independence Day!!

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